Friday, September 30, 2005

[Australia] Macquarie University’s International Scholarship Program

* Closing date for Application for Semester 1 is 31 October
* Closing date for Application for Semester 2 is 30 April

:: Introduction

Macquarie University’s International Scholarship Program is aimed at attracting outstanding students from around the world and recognising students who have distinguished themselves academically in their specific discipline area. The scholarship is highly competitive and is awarded on the basis of academic merit.

:: About MUIS

Scholarships are awarded as international tuition fee waivers only.

Scholarships will be offered to exceptional undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students based on Equity and Merit across all disciplines.

Scholarships are available for study across all disciplines.

:: Scholarship Benefits

Macquarie University International Scholarship available across most courses to cover international tuition fees for study in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree.

Scholarships will be granted to cover the credit points required to complete the course. The maximum period of study for Undergraduate is 3 years and 1 year for Postgraduate.

The Scholarship provides course fees for the minimum course duration. No additional allowances are payable. The scholarship does NOT provide financial support in the form of a living allowance, nor does it provide for the cost of visa application, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), airfares, accommodation, conferences or other costs associated with study. Annual renewal of the Scholarship is subject to satisfactory performance in the Macquarie University degree program.

:: Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must

* Be a citizen of a country other than Australia (except New Zealand).
* Have met the University’s academic and English requirements for the course for which they are to be considered for a scholarship.
* Achieve minimum GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.0) for postgraduate application and minimum requirement of 90 (out of 100) for Undergraduate application.

You are not eligible if

* You hold permanent residency of Australia, nor be a citizen of Australia or New Zealand.
* You are currently enrolled at Macquarie University for program which is equivalent in level.
* You are in receipt of another equivalent or major award or scholarship.
* You have undertaken the same level of study previously.
* You are currently enrolled in the program that you apply the MUIS for
* You are not eligible if you are a Study Abroad or an Exchange student coming to Macquarie University

:: Application Procedure

Scholarships are open to international students holding qualifications from recognised institutions suitable for admission to an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program.

You must follow the normal procedure for admission, completing the application form with certified copies of all relevant documents and application fee of $110. On top of that you also need to complete an application form for MUIS and referees reports.

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria, or you are not successful for a Macquarie University International Scholarship but meet the condition of entry to Macquarie University, you will be notify by our admission officer on the result of your application. Otherwise you will hear after the Scholarship Committee meeting before the beginning of each semester.

If you are eligible for MUIS, the application fee of $110 will be refunded when applicable.

Applications will not be considered without two complete referee reports.

:: Conditions of Scholarship


* The offer of MUIS is valid for the period of commencement shown in the offer and subject to the Conditions of Scholarship.
* A Macquarie University International Scholarship will be granted to cover the credit points required to complete the course only within minimum course duration.

Cut Off Dates for Applications

* Closing date for Application for Semester 1 is 31 October
* Closing date for Application for Semester 2 is 30 April

Extension of the Scholarship

* Scholarship holders may apply for an extension one semester at a time. Extensions may be granted in exceptional circumstances only (i.e., Macquarie University must be satisfied that the grounds for extension are beyond the control of the student and are related to his or her studies rather than of a personal nature such as sick leave.)

Suspension of Scholarship

* Scholarship holders must commence study in the semester and year indicated in their offer of scholarship. Commencement may not be deferred.
* The Scholarship holder may apply, upon completion of twelve months of the award, to Macquarie International, for a suspension of the Scholarship for up to six months. The approval of suspensions will be at the discretion of the Director, International Programs. If leave is granted, the Scholarship holder must leave Australia under the conditions of their Student Visa.

Termination - A Scholarship will be terminated

* If the course of study is not being carried out with competence and diligence or in accordance with the conditions of the Scholarship;
* The Scholarship holder does not resume study at the conclusion of a period of suspension;
* The Scholarship holder fails to maintain a GPA of 2.75;
* If the information submitted for application is found to be incorrect and incomplete.
* The course of study has been completed, or on the death, incapacity, resignation, withdrawal or cessation of the Scholarship holder;
* Upon the granting of Permanent Resident status to the student. A MUIS should not be terminated on application for Permanent Resident status even if, pending the outcome of the application, the student is transferred by the Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous (DIMIA) from a student visa to a temporary resident visa.

Visa Information

* Macquarie University is required to provide the student with a duly authorised electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) to enable the student to apply for a visa to enter Australia. The eCoE will not be issued until written acceptance of the scholarship offer has been received from the student.
* Scholarship holders will be responsible for any costs associated with obtaining a student visa to study in Australia.
* It is the responsibility of each Scholarship holder to ensure they hold a valid visa while in Australia. If a visa expires, the student may be removed from Australia.
* The Australian Government issues visas for study in Australia subject to certain conditions, which are clearly notified with the visa documentation. These conditions refer particularly to full-time study, progression requirements, periods of leave, cessation of study and paid work. Scholarship holders will be subject to the conditions of the Student Visa, whose provisions relating to enrolment, leave and work take precedence over the Scholarship Conditions.
* Scholarship holders are expected to maintain enrolment as a full-time student. Approval to study part-time will be considered by Macquarie International and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

* All international students studying in Australia are required to purchase and maintain OSHC for the duration of their studies.
* The Scholarship does not cover the cost of OSHC for the student and their dependants. However, Macquarie University can arrange OSHC cover on behalf of the student.

Academic progress requirements

* The scholarship holder is required to conform to the rules and regulations of the University as outlined in the Handbook for Postgraduate Studies, Handbook for Undergraduate Studies and Academic Manual.
* The Scholarship holder will normally be expected to maintain a GPA of 2.75.
* The Scholarship will terminate if the Scholarship holder fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Part-time employment

* Scholarship holders may undertake part-time work subject to conditions of their Student Visa.
* Macquarie University must be satisfied that any part-time work does not interfere with the holder’s study program.

Variation to conditions

* Macquarie University reserves the right to amend these Conditions of Scholarship, in special circumstances and subject to Visa Conditions as determined by the Director, International Programs.

Other issues

* All scholarship holders are required to notify Macquarie International if they vary their enrolment. This includes any changes that may alter enrolment such as:
o Summer school enrolment
o Part-time study
o Leave of absence
o Return from leave of absence
o Course transfer
o Discontinuation of studies
o Enrolment in a double degree
o Change in visa status

Please find the application form and referee report below:
MUIS Application Form & Referee Report (PDF - 174kb)

For a list of the application forms for admission to undergraduate or postgraduate course, please visit the following sections of our website:

* Undergraduate Application Forms
* Postgraduate Application Forms
