Deadline: 1 February 2006
12 International Courses and 6 International Training Programmes
VLIR finances 12 International Courses (ICPs), organised by the Flemish universities. These courses are Master programmes, taking up one or two academic years, all of which lead to a Master’s degree (except one). These courses focus on specific problems of developing countries. The main target group for the courses are students from developing countries, although the courses can also be attended by Belgian students or students from other countries.
The ICPs aim to train people from the South with a responsible position in civil society (a university, school, NGO, ministry, etc) in such a way that the knowledge that the students acquire is disseminated and applied within the students’ institution and country of origin.
VLIR also finances International Training Programmes (ITPs) organised by Flemish universities and one non-university institution for higher education. ITPs are short-term training programmes whose main focus is transferring skills rather than knowledge. The International Training Programmes are designed for people from developing countries with a certain professional experience. Knowledge and skills are transferred through the ITPs, and the possibility for cooperation and networking created.
VLIR is responsible for the offer of ICPs and ITPs. It provides funds to the organising Flemish universities and also provides a number of scholarships for each programme.
The Flemish universities themselves are responsible for the academic content, and practical and logistical organisation of the programmes.
Although these programmes primarily address students and professionals from developing countries, they are also open to other people. In this brochure, you will find all necessary information you might need, either as self-supporting student or as scholar.
150 ICP scholarships and 70 ITP scholarships
Every year, with the support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation, the VLIR awards scholarships to students from developing countries to take up one of the 12 ICPs or one of the 6 ITPs.
Each year there are a maximum of 150 scholarships available for first-year ICP students and a maximum of 70 scholarships for ITP participants.
VLIR contact person
Kristel Wijshof
Maarten Timmermans
Bolwerksquare 1a
1050 Brussel
Tel +32 (0)2 289 05 57
+32 (0)2 289 05 58
Fax +32 (0)2 514 72 77
NEW Deadline: 1 February 2006
VLIR Brochure 2006 - 2007 .PDF 1,7MB
VLIR Leaflet 2006 - 2007 .PDF 695kB
VLIR application form .PDF 93kB
VLIR Basic Info scholarships
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