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Monday, January 31, 2005
[scholarship] PhD Program “Finance and Monetary Economics” - Frankfurt
Scholarships for PhD Program
Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)
The PhD Program “Finance and Monetary Economics”, sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), is offering as of October 1st, 2005, scholarships for PhD students in Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, and Finance.
The program is designed to promote outstanding theoretical and empirical research in the fields of macroeconomics, monetary economics, and finance. It offers a stimulating international environment with close contacts to the European Central Bank, the Bundesbank, and other leading financial institutions. (web site: click here)
Qualifications: A university degree passed with distinction at the Master level ineconomics or business administration is required for admission into theprogram. Exceptional students coming from related fields such as mathematics are also encouraged to apply. Emphasis of the program is on quantitative, formal analysis, so applicants will need a strong math background. Good results in TOEFL and GRE tests will increase thec hances for a successful application. For highly qualified applicants, a limited number of scholarships of approximately EURO 1000 per month forup to three years is available.
Application procedure: Please download the application form on our web site and send it together with your curriculum vita, copies of relevant academic transcripts and two confidential letters of recommendation by April 22th, 2005, to:
Prof.Christian Schlag,
Graduate Program “Finance and Monetary Economics”,
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
Goethe University,
Mertonstr. 17-21 / Uni-PF 77,
60054 Frankfurt/Main,
or by email to kolleg@wiwi.unifrankfurt.
[scholarship] PhD programme International Studies, University of Trento 2005
Subject: PhD programme International Studies, University of Trento 2005
Dear All,
Yesterday we have published the announcement of selection for the next academic year. If you know any qualified persons who might beinterested in applying to the PhD programme, please tell them to have a look at our web site.
Thanks for your help. All the best for you!Warm wishes from Trento,
Lianita Prawindarti
PhD Student
School of International Studies
University of Trento,
Via Rosmini 70, 38100 Trento
[info] Biaya Kuliah di Baden-Wuertemberg Jerman
bagi yang ingin melanjutkan studinya di jerman, khususnya di negera bagian baden-wuertemberg jerman, mulai tahun ajaran Winter semester 2006/07, para siswa dikenakan biaya kuliah Studiengebuehr 500Euro/semester. Lalu untuk wilayah Bavaria (bayern) mulai WS 2005/05. Jadi Sudah tidak gratis lagi. Informasi lebih lanjut baca di sini.
Resi Ario Bismo
Sensor System Technology
Fachhochschule Karlsruhe
[scholarship] Study in Russia
Bagian Kebudayaan,
Kedutaan Besar Rusia
Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebudayaan Rusia
Jalan Diponegoro 12 Menteng
Jakarta Pusat
Telp./Fax 021-31935290
Click here for source
JAKARTA: The government of the Russian Federation announced on Thursday it was providing scholarships for Indonesian students to study in Russia.
In a press release, the Russian Embassy said that 20 scholarships would be provided for students planning to take bachelor and master degrees, and another five scholarships for a doctorate. It said that applications will close on April 18, and for the bachelor degree the applicant should be no older than 25 years of age, while for the masters degree no older than 30 years. All Indonesian students accepted in the scholarship program will be given a one-year preparatory course, as all courses will be given in Russian. "The Russian government deems the scholarship program for Indonesian students as a concrete step to develop bilateral relations between the two countries," the press release signed by the Russian Embassy first secretary Alexander L. Vaulin said. --JP
[scholarship] Beasiswa untuk wartawan
Dari Nieman hingga Columbia
Andreas Harsono
Institut Studi Arus Informasi
Di seluruh dunia ada ratusan beasiswa buat wartawan. Salah satu negara yang paling banyak memberikan beasiswa buat wartawan – dalam format yang bermacam-macam - adalah Amerika Serikat. Di bawah ini adalah ringkasan dari sebagian kecil dari beasiswa tersebut. Mayoritas di Amerika tapi ada beberapa di Inggris. Bagi yang tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih banyak, silahkan melihat website berbagai organisasi media internasional yang memberikan informasi soal beasiswa wartawan. Diolah dari www.icij.org dan www.rtnda.org.
(setahun dan di perguruan tinggi)
Universitas Harvard - Nieman Foundation for Journalism
Diberikan setiap tahun kepada 24 wartawan paruh-karir (12 Amerika dan 10-12 international) untuk satu tahun akademik. Peserta mendisain sendiri studi mereka dan semua ruang kuliah di Harvard terbuka buat mereka. Tidak ada kredit atau gelar. Alumni dari Indonesia termasuk Sabam Siagian, Goenawan Mohamad dan Ratih Hardjono.
Kontak: Bill Kovach, Susan Goldstein, (617) 495 2238
Beasiswa: Uang kuliah, uang saku $40,000; peserta internasional dibantu mencari dana
Deadline: 31 Januari 31 (Amerika), 1 Maret (Internasional)
E-mail: sgoldstein@harvard.eduWeb: http://www.nieman.harvard.edu
Universitas Stanford - John S. Knight Fellowship
Stanford menyediakan satu tahun akademik, perkembangan intelektual dan kepribadian buat pesertanya. Program ini diberikan kepada 12 wartawan Amerika dan enam internasional. Salah seorang alumni dari Indonesia termasuk Aristides Katoppo (Sinar Harapan).
Beasiswa: uang sekolah, uang saku $50,000, dana beli buku
Deadline: 1 Februari
Kontak: James Risser, (650) 723 4937
E-mail: knightfellow@forsythe.stanford.edu
Web: http://www.stanford.edu/dept/communication/general/knightfellow.html
Universitas Michigan - Michigan Journalism Fellowship
Menerima baik wartawan Amerika maupun internasional. Programnya sama dengan Nieman dan Knight. Selama setahun para peserta boleh mengambil kuliah apa saja. Nieman, Knight dan Michigan adalah rival satu dengan yang lain. Beda dengan Nieman dan Knight, Michigan di kota Ann Arbor ini belum pernah menerima peserta dari Indonesia.
Beasiswa: Uang kuliah, uang saku $40,000
Deadline: February 1Kontak: Charles Eisendrath, 734.998.7666
E-mail: drath@umich.eduWeb: http://www.mjfellows.org
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Beasiswa
untuk 10 wartawan khusus di bidang sains, kesehatan, teknologi atau lingkungan hidup. Mereka berhak tinggal di MIT Cambridge selama setahun dan mengambil berbagai matakuliah baik di MIT maupun Harvard. Minimal tiga tahun pengalaman di bidangnyapenuh waktu.
Beasiswa: $35,000 uang saku to cover living costs
Deadline: 1 Maret 1
Kontak: Martha Henry atau Boyce Rensberger, (617) 253 3442
E-mail: boyce@mit.edu
Web: http://web.mit.edu/knight-science/
Ohio State University - Kiplinger Public Affairs Fellowships for Journalists
Beasiswa untuk delapan wartawan khusus masalah kemasyarakatan danpemerintahan (ilmu politik). Peserta mendapat gelar master di bidang jurnalisme setelah menyelesaikan program selama setahun. Mereka juga diminta menjadi asisten dosen.
Beasiswa: Uang kuliah, biaya hidup $20,000Deadline: 1 Januari
Kontak: Pam Hollie Kluge, (614) 292 2607
E-mail: kip-program@osu.edu
Universitas Harvard -- Edward S. Mason Program in Public Policy and Management
Program ini bernaung di bawah Kennedy School of Government di Universitas Harvard dan dibuat untuk mereka yang diperkirakan akan menjadi pemimpin di masa depan. Selama setahun para peserta diberi kesempatan untuk mengambil program master di bidang pemerintahan (berbagai spesialisasi). Para pelamar kebanyakan dari lembaga pemerintahan tapi juga banyak yang datang dari partai, organisasi nonpemerintah maupun media. Bambang Harymurti dari TEMPO dan Agus Wirahadikusumah dari TNI adalah alumni Mason Program. Jumlah peserta program ini tidak tetap tapi antara 60 hingga 70 orang.
Beasiswa: biaya perjalanan, biaya hidup dan kuliah
Kontak: Office of International Development Program Universitas Harvard
Tel. (617) 495-2133 Fax: (617) 495-9671
Email: idprograms@ksg.harvard.edu
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
Program ini diperuntukkan wartawan dari negara berkembang, Eropa Timur dan bekas Uni Soviet untuk belajar selama setahun di sebuah universitas di Amerika yang mereka pilih sendiri. Mereka harus ikut tes agar bisa diterima di universitas pilihannya. Selain mengikuti kegiatan akademik, peserta juga mengikuti diskusi jurnalisme di Washington D.C.
Beasiswa: uang kuliah, apartemen, biaya hidup
Kontak: Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Division, Institute ofInternational Education
Tel. (202) 326 7701
E-mail: hhh@iie.org or humphrey@usia.gov
Louisiana State University - Manship Fellowship
Satu atau dua wartawan internasional dipilih setiap tahun untuk pragram 12 bulan ini (tiga semester termasuk summer). Peserta mendapatkan gelar master komunikasi setelah menyelesaikan program ini.
Beasiswa: Sekitar $10,200 untuk uang kuliah, akomodasi dan biayaperjalanan
Kontak: Richard AlanTel: (504) 388-2336 Fax: (504) 388-2125
E-mail: rnelson@unix1.sncc.lsu.edu
Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace, United States
Institute of Peace
Program ini diberikan untuk 14 peserta dari berbagai profesi termasuk wartawan. Prioritas diberikan kepada mereka yang mempunyai proyek penelitian atau penulisan untuk mengatasi atau menawarkan jalan keluar dari pertikaian-pertikaian internasional. Para peserta menjalankan proyek mereka di Washington D.C. Beasiswa selama 12 bulan dan mulai bulan September.
Beasiswa termasuk asuransi kesehatan dan ongkos perjalanan.
Tel: (202) 429-3886 Fax: (202) 429-6063
E-mail: jrprogram@usip.org
Media Studies Center Residential Fellowship Program
Program ini didanai Freedom Forum untuk 10 hingga 12 peserta setiap tahun. Beasiswa diberikan kepada wartawan atau akademisi yang tertarik untuk mempelajari isu media secara mendalam. Peserta ditempatkan di New York antara tiga bulan hingga satu tahun tergantung riset yang mereka adakan. Uang saku disediakan sesuai dengan gaji masing-masing peserta. Rumah, ruang kerja dan sekretariat juga disediakan.
Kontak: Larry McGill
Tel: (212) 317-6500
Fax: (212) 317-6572
E-mail: McGill@ffnyc.mhs.compuserve.com
The Reuter Foundation Fellowship Programme
University of Oxford, Green College
Program ini untuk wartawan cetak maupun tulis dari seluruh dunia untuk belajar di Universitas Oxford, Inggris, antara tiga hingga sembilan bulan. Reuter Foundation menyediakan dana buat peserta dari negara berkembang macam Indonesia.
Tel: (44-186) 551-2542
Fax: (44-186) 551-3576
E-mail: godfrey.hodgson@green.ox.ac.uk
The University of Hawaii Asia Fellowship
Program ini memberi kesempatan kepada enam wartawan paruh-karir untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mereka akan masalah-masalah Asia. Program ini berjalan sejak 1 Agustus hingga 31 Mei (18 kredit per satu tahun akademik). Ada dua tambahan bangku khusus untuk wartawan dari Asia Timur.
Beasiswa: Uang saku, uang kuliah, lengkap didanai
Kontak: D.W.Y. Kwok
Tel: (808) 956-7123/7733
Fax: (808) 956-9600
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Fellowships
Program ini punya sekitar 20 bangku untuk berbagai macam profesi termasuk wartawan. Para peserta tinggal di Woodrow Wilson Center selama satu tahun akademik (September hingga Mei). Prioritas diberikan kepada pelamar dengan proposal yang bagus di bidang kemanusiaan, ilmu sosial atau masalah internasional.
Beasiswa: uang saku $41,600 termasuk biaya perjalanan
Tel: (202) 691-4170
E-mail: fellowships@wwics.si.edu
University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Journalism
Program ini menyediakan dana buat seorang wartawan dari Eropa Timur serta dua bangku buat peserta dari Cina. Namun pelamar yang bisa menyediakan dananya sendiri tetap terbuka untuk diterima. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara transisi yang kemungkinan besar menarik buat pengelola program ini. Program ini menarik karena di universitas ini juga terdapat sebuah unit yang khusus bergerak di bidang pelatihan jurnalisme investigasi.
Kontak: Professor Byron Scott
Tel: (573) 882-7792
Fax: (573) 882-9002
E-mail: byron_scott@jmail.jour.missouri.edu
Duke University - DeWitt Wallace Center for Communications and Journalism
Wartawan dari seluruh dunia bisa melamar untuk studi di universitas ini dari beberapa minggu hingga satu tahun akademik. Para peserta mendisain sendiri kebutuhan akademiknya dengan menghadiri kuliah, ceramah, seminar, pertunjukan seni dan sebagainya. Pendanaan diusahakan sendiri namun pihak universitas membantu memberikan rekomendasi bila pelamar lolos seleksi.
Kontak: Dee ReidTel: (919) 613-7330
Fax: (919) 684-4270
E-mail: dee@pps.duke.edu
Universitas Harvard - Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy Fellowships
Beasiswa ini dibuat selama enam bulan untuk sejumlah kecil wartawan dari berbagai penjuru dunia yang berniat menulis buku atau bikin riset. Program ini ada dalam naungan Kennedy School of Government di Universitas Harvard. Peserta diminta menulis makalah 30 halaman selama mereka ada di Harvard. Setiap minggu mereka juga diminta hadir dalam diskusi soal media dan politik.
Beasiswa: Uang saku $15,000, biaya perjalanan dan biaya hidup tidak ditanggung
Kontak: Edith Holway
Tel: (617) 495-8269
Fax: (617) 495-8696
E-mail: Edith_Holway@Harvard.edu
Alfred Friendly Press Fellowship
Program ini untuk 10 wartawan cetak dari negara berkembang atau transisi. Peserta akan ditempatkan di berbagai kantor berita di seluruh Amerika Serikat selain mengikuti pertemuan-pertemuan rutin di Washington D.C. Berbeda dengan mayoritas fellowship, yang kebanyakan buat wartawan paruh-karir dengan pengalaman sekitar 10 tahun, program ini diutamakan untuk wartawan muda dengan prestasi yang menjanjikan.
Beasiswa: Biaya perjalanan, biaya magang dan uang saku $1,400 per bulan.
Kontak: John Sirek
Tel: (202) 416-1691
Fax: (202) 416-1695
E-mail: afpf@aol.com
Freedom Forum/American Society of Newspaper Editors International Journalism Exchange
Program pertukaran ini buat 10 wartawan non-Amerika dan non-Eropa Barat. Mereka diundang ke Amerika Serikat selama lima minggu - sebulan di antaranya untuk magang di sebuah suratkabar Amerika Serikat. Redaktur dari negara-negara transisi, termasuk Indonesia, akan diprioritaskan dalam seleksi program ini.
Beasiswa: Biaya perjalanan, rumah dan uang saku
Kontak: International Center for Journalists
Tel: (202) 737-3700
Fax: (202) 737-0530
E-mail: editor@icfj.org
Freedom Forum International Journalists-in-Residence Program
Program ini untuk 12 wartawan dari Afrika, Asia, Eropa Timur, bekas Uni Soviet dan Amerika Selatan. Tujuannya adalah mempekenalan para peserta dengan media Amerika. Programnya selama empat bulan di mana peserta dicangkokkan di sebuah universitas di Amerika Serikat.
Beasiswa: Biaya perjalanan, rumah dan uang saku
Kontak: International Journalists-in-Residence Program
Tel: (703) 284-2860
Fax: (703) 528-3520
E-mail: intl@freedomforum.org
Jefferson Fellowship - East-West Center Media Program
Enam wartawan Amerika dan enam wartawan dari Asia Pacific dipilih setiap tahun untuk mengikuti program pertukaran ini di East-West Center di Hawaii. Para peserta mengikuti seminar awal mengenai masalah-masalah gawat di Asia Pacific. Mereka lantas diberi biaya untuk bepergian ke Amerika (untuk wartawan Asia) dan ke Asia (untuk peserta Amerika) selama empat minggu sebelum kembali ke Honolulu untuk seminar akhir. Tujuannya adalah tukar-menukar pendapat.
Beasiswa: Uang saku, biaya hidup, biaya perjalanan
Kontak: Webster K. Nolan
Tel: (808) 944-7192/7199
Fax: (808) 944-7670
E-mail: nolanw@ewc.hawaii.edu
University of Rhode Island Graduate School of OceanographyThe Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting
Sekolah ini menawarkan 12 kursi buat wartawan dari berbagai media dan negara yang mempunyai spesialisasi di bidang lingkungan hidup dan kehidupan laut. Mereka diundang mengikuti sanggar kerja selama empat hari bersama para periset dan pengambil keputusan di bidang ini. Lama program lanjutan sangat beragam.
Beasiswa: Uang saku, akomodasi dan tanpa biaya perjalanan
Kontak: Jackleen de La Harpe
Tel: (401) 874-6499
Fax: (1-401) 874-6486
E-mail: jack@gso.uri.edu
Willie Vicoy Fellowship
Program ini khusus untuk wartawan foto untuk selama satu semester belajar di Universitas Missouri. Para peserta harus dari negara berkembang. Mereka diberi kesempatan untuk belajar dan praktek lebih jauh soal fotografi media.
Beasiswa: Uang kuliah, uang saku dan biaya perjalanan
Kontak: Reuter Foundation
Tel: (44-171) 542-2913
World Press Institute Fellowship
Program ini menyediakan 10 kursi untuk wartawan internasional agar bisa tinggal selama empat bulan di Amerika Serikat. Peserta bepergian selama tiga bulan untuk mengetahui Amerika, dari bisnis, pemerintahan, masyarakat, masalah sosial, pendidikan, kesehatan dan sebagainya, sesuai minat masing-masing. Waktu sebulan dipakai untuk diskusi baik di ujung dan di akhir program. Program ini menarik buat wartawan muda yang ingin mengenal kehidupan Amerika.
Beasiswa: Biaya perjalanan, per diem $25 per diem dan biaya akomodasi
Kontak: John Hodowanic
Tel: (612) 696-6360
Fax: (612) 696-6306
E-mail: wpi@macalister.edu
W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund
Lembaga ini memberi hibah senilai $20,000 buat seorang wartawan foto yang hendak mengerjakan sebuah proyek foto kemanusiaan.
Kontak: International Center of Photography
Tel: (212) 860-1777
Fax: (212) 360-6490
Sunday, January 30, 2005
[scholarship] Belgium - VLIR Scholarship
VLIR provides study scholarships to allow persons from developing countries to follow an ICP (International Course) or ITP (International Training Programme), organised by a Flemish university or non-university HE institution. Candidate scholars should be eligible for the ICP or ITP they wish to attend.
Applications may be submitted annually by individual candidates and must reach the VLIR by 1 March at the latest.
An overview of all ICP’s and ITP’s can be found here.
All necessary practical information can be found here.
Information about the selection and full listings of the selected candidates for the VLIR scholarship programme 2005-2006 can be found here.
For further information, please contact Mr Maarten Timmermans (tel. +32 (0)2 289 05 58 or maarten.timmermans@vlir.be) or Mrs Kristel Wijshof(tel. +32 (0)2 289 05 57 or kristel.wijshof@vlir.be) from the VLIR-UDC Secretariat (general e-mail: scholarships@vlir.be).
The first ever ICP Meeting Day was organised by the VLIR and Ghent University on 19 December 2003. The VLIR-scholars and the Flemish promoters from the 15 different International Courses organised by the Flemish Universities met during this day. A photoreport from this day can be found here.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
[scholarship] Contact Person - Beasiswa Pemerintah Perancis
Thanks for your request concerning the scholarships provided by the Embassy of France in Indonesia.
Thanks to read them attentively.
For all information about Education in France, you can contact one of our 2 Edufrance offices in Indonesia (Edufrance website http://www.edufrance.fr/ ) :
Centre Culturel Français de Jakarta
Jl Salemba Raya n°25
Tel. : (021) 310 18 84 - Fax : (021) 310 13 17
The International Village
Universitas Surabaya
Jalan Raya Kalirungkut
60293 Surabaya
Tél. : (031) 298 13 32
Fax : (031) 298 13 33
Vincent MOREL
Chargé de mission Coopération Scientifique et Technique - Asisten Atase Kerjasama Ilmiah dan Teknik
Ambassade de France - Kedutaan Besar Perancis
SCAC - Bagian Kerjasama dan Kebudayaan
35 jalan Panarukan Jakarta 10310
Tèl : (00.62.21) 319.31.795
Fax : (00.62.21) 310.37.47
Friday, January 28, 2005
[info] S-2 kedokteran gigi UK
Saya salah satu penerima beasiswa Chevening untuk tahun 2005-2006. Saran saya coba cari di beberapa website sebagai berikut:
Mungkin Beasiswa Chevening bisa jadi alternative tetapi penting untuk diketahui bahwa untuk jurusan yang clinical based biasanya menerapkan tuition fee yang mahal (14.000-20.000 poundsterling) sedangkan tuition fee untuk beasiswachevening dibatasi. Jadi misalnya mau daftar chevening harus riset dari sekarang jadi bisa estimasi range tuition fee (sekalian persiapan untuk wawancara chevening). Ada juga beberapa university di UK yang menawarkan scholarship tertentu seperti shell centenary scholarship atau scholarship untuk Master byr esearch atau award Overseas research students award (ORS). Untuk akreditasi jurusan kedokteran gigi di U.K bisa dilihat di http://www.hero.ac.uk , dari sini bisa mengunjungi website University and ngelihat info beasiswa tertentu yang tersedia di University tersebut. Last but not least, selamat mencari info dan berjuang ya!
Semoga bermanfaat.
Warm regards from yogya,
[scholarship] Fulbright New Century Scholars Program
The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Departmentof State and the Council for International Exchange of Scholars(CIES), announce the opening of the 2005-06 competition for awards under the Fulbright New Century Scholars Program (NCS) "HigherEducation in the 21st Century: Global Challenge and NationalResponse."
Approximately 30 outstanding research scholars andeducators from the U.S. and abroad will be selected to participate inthe program through an open competition. The program combines thetraditional Fulbright research exchange experience with a series ofthree in-person seminar meetings and ongoing virtual communication among the participants under the guidance of the NCS Distinguished Scholar Leader, Philip Altbach, J. Donald Monan, SJ professor of higher education and director of the Center for International Higher Education in the Lynch School of Education at Boston College.
Outstanding scholars and educators at any rank in any field relatedto the NCS theme are invited to apply. Applicants with strong interdisciplinary and comparative interests are especially welcome. Applicants must have the Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree in arelevant field. U.S. applicants must have US citizenship and be permanently residing in the U.S. at the time of application; non-U.S. applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of and residing inthe country from which they are applying.
Benefits include individual travel/research awards in the amount of $37,000 and accommodations and meals for program seminars. Application deadline for US applicants is February 1, 2005. Preliminary deadlines for non-US applicants will vary from country tocountry. Interested non-US applicants should consult with the Fulbright Commission or US Public Affairs Office in their home countries.
Complete details, application materials and instructions areavailable on the CIES website. Questions may be addressed to NCS staff at ncs@iie.org
Micaela S. Iovine, Ph.D.
Senior Program Officer
Global Programs Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)
3007 Tilden St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
E-mail: miovine@cies.iie.org
Tel: 202-686-6253
Fx: 202-362-3442
Applicants must be English language teachers or currently in training to becomean English language teacher and must be able to demonstrate a commitment toEnglish language teaching upon return to Indonesia following the award. The program is for one academic year (9 months) and requires the grantee to teach inthe U.S. for 20 hours per week and to enroll in at least two U.S. Studies and/or ESL methodology classes per semester under a full tuition waiver.
Applicants who are no older than 29 years of age at the time of application will possess:
# leadership qualities
# a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures
# a demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
# a willingness to return to their home institution upon completion of the Fulbright program
# a minimum TOEFL score of 550.
Beasiswa ditawarkan kepada pengajar bahasa Inggris atau yang saat ini tengah mengikuti pelatihan untuk menjadi pengajar bahasa Inggris serta berkomitmen pada pengajaran bahasa tersebut setelah kembali ke Indonesia kelak. Beasiswa diberikan untuk satu tahun akademi (sembilan bulan). Penerima beasiswa akan mengajar di Amerika Serikat selama 20 jam per minggu. Selain itu penerima beasiswa diberi kesempatan mengambil paling sedikit dua mata kuliah per semester di bidang Kajian Amerika Serikat dan/atau metodologi pengajaran bahasa Inggris tanpa dikenai biaya kuliah.
Pelamar harus belum berusia 29 tahun pada tenggatwaktu pendaftaran dan memiliki:
# jiwa kepemimpinan
# pemahaman dengan baik kebudayaan Indonesia dan asing
# komitmen pada bidang studi pilihan
# kesediaan untuk kembali ke lembaga asal setelah Program Fulbright selesai
# angka TOEFL paling rendah 550.
Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms and return them toAMINEF by the application deadline. Forms are available either by mail or inperson at the AMINEF Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th floor, Jl. Gunung SahariRaya 4, Jakarta 10720. Application forms may also be downloaded from the AMINEF Website.
Please return completed application forms to the AMINEF office along with a copy of your most recent TOEFL score and at least one letter of reference.
Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed via e-mail to the following address: infofulbright@aminef.or.id.
The deadline for the submission of application materials for all programs is May31, 2005.
[scholarship] Penerimaan Beasiswa Stuned
Kesempatan untuk meningkatkan peran serta dalam Pembangunan Indonesia
Jika Anda berkomitmen kuat terhadap pembangunan Indonesia, beasiswa StuNed merupakan pilihan tepat.
Persyaratan umum:
- warga negara Indonesia
- pendidikan minimal S1
- I.P.K. minimal 2,75
- telah bekerja minimal 2 tahun di institusi terakhir
- mampu berbahasa Inggris
- usia maksimum pria 40 th, dan wanita 45 tahun
Untuk informasi selengkapnya silahkan kunjungi website kami dan kami tunggu aplikasi Anda!
Kami sangat berterima kasih apabila informasi ini dapat disebarkan kepada rekan-rekan di kantor atau institusi lain yang relevan.
Marliza Marsin
Multilateral Project Officer
Netherlands Education Centre
Jakarta - Indonesia
Ph. +62 21 5200453 ext. 211; Fax. +62 21 5200457
Holland Education Fair 2005
Sheraton Hotel Surabaya, 29 January 2005
Santika Hotel Jogja, 31 January 2005
Graha Santika Hotel Semarang, 1 February 2005
Holiday Inn Bandung, 3 February 2005
Crowne Plaza Jakarta, 5 & 6 February 2005
[scholarship] The Singapore Scholarship
Beasiswa ini diberikan bagi mahasiswa S1 (kecuali untuk bidang kedokteran dan kedokteran gigi) di Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS) dan Singapore Management University (SMU). Beasiswa ini diberikan berdasarkan nilai akademis.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang beasiswa tersebut, kunjungi website The Singapore Scholarship di sini.
Kuliah foundation selamat satu tahun akan diberikan bagi penerima beasiswa ini jika dinilai perlu oleh universitas penerima. Kuliah foundation ini akan diberikan sebagai tambahan bagi kuliah S1. Program ini adalah program antara pemerintah (government-to-government / G2G) tanpa ikatan dari Pemerintah Singapura.
Penerima beasiswa ini diharapkan kembali ke negaranya untuk mengabdi bagi pengembangan negara itu setelah lulus. Karena beasiswa diberikan pada pemerintah negara-negara ASEAN, setiap negara ASEAN berhak untuk persyaratan-persyaratan yang diperlukan untuk setiap calon penerima
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
[scholarship] Householder Prize Nominations
Forwarded by C. Bahriawati
From: Charles Van Loan cv@cs.cornell.edu
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 09:47:16 -0500
Subject: Householder Prize Nominations
Nominations for the Alston S. Householder Prize for the best PhD dissertation in numerical algebra are due February 1, 2005.
To be eligible, the dissertation must have been submitted between January 1, 2002, and December 31, 2004.
A nomination packet consists of
1. The dissertation or qualifying work (pdf or five hard copies).
2. An appraisal by the sponsor/thesis advisor (email or hard copy).
3. At least one other letter of support (email or hard copy).
As appropriate, documents should be submitted to
Professor Olof Widlund
Courant Institute
251 Mercer Street
New York, New York 10012
See here
for more details about the Prize. It will be awarded at this year's Householder Symposium
http://www.cse.psu.edu/~zha/householder/ .
The selection committee consists of
Olof Widlund (Courant Institute, New York University), Chair
James Demmel (University of California, Berkeley)
Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin)
Sabine Van Huffel (K.U. Leuven)
Charles Van Loan (Cornell University)
Sunday, January 16, 2005
[USA] The Next Generation: Leadership in Asian Affairs” Fellowship
The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) is pleased to announce “The Next Generation: Leadership in Asian Affairs” fellowship, a post-master’s degree program that will help cultivate a new generation of Asia affairs specialists committed to and capable of bridging the gap between the best scholarly research and the pressing needs of American foreign policy towards a rapidly changing Asia.
NBR invites recent master’s and professional degree holders (e.g., MA, MBA, LLM, etc.) to apply for a year-long fellowship at NBR’s headquarters in Seattle to collaborate with leading scholars to publish research, and to participate in the briefing of research findings to the policymaking community in Washington, D.C.
This one-year fellowship is designed to further the professional development of Asia specialists in the year just after the completion of their master’s degree. Successful applicants will gain further knowledge of Asia and an understanding of the U.S. foreign policymaking process through the following: conducting research under the guidance of an NBR program director; collaborating with senior scholars on academic publications; and traveling to Washington, D.C. to participate in the briefing of research findings to relevant constituents within the policy community.
The application deadline is January 16, 2006. Fellowships begin June 5, 2006 and conclude May 31, 2007.
Fellowship Director
Dr. Daniel B. Wright (contact, bio)
Director, Washington, D.C., Office
Fellowship Description
The Next Generation Fellowship will grant a one-year award to four fellows annually. Next Generation fellows will work on NBR program-based research projects and participate in the effective delivery of that research to the foreign policy community. The four major components of the Next Generation Fellowship are:
* Publication. A signature element of the program is the completion of at least one journal-quality publication published by either NBR or an outside scholarly journal. In most cases, this publication will be composed through collaboration with a senior scholar who has been asked to contribute to an NBR research project.
* Bridging the gap between research and policy. Because NBR believes that writing alone is not adequate to inform policy, the fellow will also participate in NBR’s active outreach toward the policy community in Washington, D.C. through participation in conferences, briefings, and private meetings.
* Gaining in-depth knowledge of U.S. foreign policymaking. Fellows will engage the policymaking community through association with the U.S. government officials on the program’s advisory board, the program orientation, and briefings to policymakers.
* Guidance and mentoring. “The Next Generation Leadership” fellows will be incorporated directly into NBR’s substantive policy research programs. Responsible to and guided by the relevant program director, the fellows will be embedded in the workings of an organization that expresses in daily practice the high ideals of the fellowship’s goals.
Prior to taking up residence in Seattle, each new class of fellows will participate in a three-day orientation in Washington, D.C. These three days will include meetings with individuals in several branches of the U.S. government, including Congress, as well as with senior academics who have successfully bridged the scholarship-policy gap. Arranged by NBR’s Washington, D.C., office, “The Next Generation Leadership” orientation will immerse the fellows in the program’s vision, allow them to meet with American political and academic leaders, and provide opportunities for discussions between the fellows and the constituents of their forthcoming research.
At any given time, NBR’s eight program areas (see below) direct approximately thirty major research projects and programs involving 150 scholars at universities and research centers worldwide. Each fellow will be placed within the NBR program that matches his/her qualifications and research interests.
* Northeast Asia Studies
* Southeast Asia Studies
* Eurasia Studies
* South Asia Studies
* Energy Security Studies
* Globalization Program
* Center for Health and Aging
* Center for Asian Security Studies
Once placed within a program, each fellow will collaborate with a senior scholar on an NBR-defined research project to produce at least one journal-quality publication. The fellow will have full-time research and project management responsibilities, serving as an associate rather than an assistant to the senior scholar. With the assistance of NBR’s Washington, D.C., office, which is dedicated to communicating research findings to the U.S. policymaking community, fellows will map the constituencies for their particular program. They will also participate in the briefing of research results for the relevant actors in the U.S. government, including Congress.
Application Instructions
Applicants are required to submit the following:
* Cover sheet
* Curriculum vitae/resume
* 750-word essay stating how they would benefit from a fellowship within one of NBR’s programs areas (please identify preferred program area)
* Names of three references (one outside of academia)
Please email the above materials to nextgen@nbr.org. Applications must be received no later than January 16, 2006.
Fellowship Eligibility
American citizenship or permanent residence status is required. The applicant must have completed a master’s degree by the time the fellowship begins. Individuals may apply to the program up to twelve months after receiving a master’s degree. Prospective fellows should apply only for the year that they expect to participate. No deferrals are permitted.
Fellowship Benefits
For each fellow, regardless of his or her career trajectory, the program will be an extraordinary opportunity. Fellows who go on to specialize in Asia scholarship will have been exposed to the policy relevance of their research, just as those who choose a policy-related career will have been exposed to the importance of quality scholarship. Fellows who choose other career paths, whether in the private, nonprofit, or media sectors, will also have been exposed to the dynamic intersection of policy and scholarship.
One thing will hold true for all alumni of “The Next Generation Leadership” program: They will be young leaders, with life-long friendships, capable of making a significant difference in how the United States relates to Asia. Their exposure to the critical need of informing policy will shape their contributions as leaders and strengthen their impact in their various fields. Fellows will acquire or refine skills in:
* understanding of American foreign policy
* analysis, research, and writing
* written presentation of research in a format that is useful to policymakers
* briefing skills
* team collaboration
* project management
Each fellow will receive a $30,000 fellowship award (with benefits), as well as travel and research-related expenses.
January 16, 2006 Applications due at nextgen@nbr.org
Jan.16–March 1 Applications reviewed and evaluated by NBR Program Committee and Selection Committee
March 15, 2006 Finalist Interviews
April 3, 2006 Awards made
June 5–7, 2006 Fellowship Orientation Program, Washington, D.C.
June 8–9, 2006 Travel to Seattle: Seattle Orientation and Work Commencement
May 31, 2007 Fellowship Concludes
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact us at nextgen@nbr.org.
What kinds of research projects will I be working on?
Each NBR program area has an evolving research agenda that addresses a range of critical policy relevant issues. A sample of programmatic research topics drawn from NBR’s current work includes the following:
* China’s Energy Insecurity
* Military Modernization in Asia
* Early Health Policy
* Central Asia’s Changing Geopolitics
* Globalization and Chinese Economic Development
* Economic Implications of a Fundamental Reorientation of North Korean WMD policies
* Trends in Islamic Education in South Asia
* China–Southeast Asia Relations
May I participate in the Next Generation program for less than the one-year period?
No. Fellows are required to commit to completing the full one-year program beginning June 5, 2006 and ending May 31, 2007.
May I seek additional employment during my time as a fellow at NBR in Seattle?
No. Fellows are expected to work full-time for NBR and are not permitted to obtain additional employment.
Is there a set deadline for publication? What happens if my article is not published before the end of the fellowship term?
The publication the fellow contributes to will be published according to the project’s normal production schedule. That may or may not occur during the fellowship term.
May I enroll in graduate classes during my time as a fellow at NBR in Seattle?
To ensure that selected fellows participate fully in their experience at NBR, fellows may not be enrolled in graduate classes during the fellowship period.
May I apply if my degree is anticipated during the fellowship year, but not yet awarded?
No. The degree must have been awarded by the time the fellowship commences. This is why individuals may apply to the program up to twelve months after receiving a master’s degree.
Is this fellowship only for students who have a master’s degree in international affairs?
NBR’s research programs span a breadth of geographic and functional areas. It is anticipated that this nationwide program will attract a similarly broad range of graduating master’s degree students that range from international relations degrees to degrees in, for example, business, public health, and law. Most important is that the candidate “makes the case” in the application of how he/she would benefit from the fellowship experience.
Will NBR provide housing for my stay in Seattle?
No. Fellows will need to make their own housing arrangements.
The Next Generation Leadership Advisory Board
The Next Generation Leadership Advisory Board comprises a select group of respected academics and policymakers who have demonstrated commitment and success in the practical work of bridging the academic and policy worlds. The board will provide inspirational leadership to the program and meet individually, as possible, with program fellows in Washington, D.C. to share their vision for the need to strengthen the development of a cohort of young Americans with expertise on Asia.
* Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT)
* Representative Jim Leach (R-IA)
* Representative Norm Dicks (D-WA)
* Dr. Richard Bush, Director of Northeast Studies Program, The Brookings Institution
* Dr. Karl Jackson, Director of Asia Studies, Johns Hopkins SAIS
* Dr. Kenneth Lieberthal, Professor, University of Michigan
* Ambassador Stapleton Roy, Managing Director, Kissinger Associates
Source: http://www.nbr.org/announcements/index/nextgen.html