Tuesday, March 28, 2006

[Japan] Monbukagakusho Scholarship for Research Student

1. The Embassy of Japan has begun offering scholarships to Indonesian students who wish to study at Japanese universities as research students for the academic year 2007 under the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship program.

2. Any grantee who desires to enroll in a regular graduate course (a master’s course, a doctoral course or a professional graduate course) after studying as a research student or to move on from a master’s course or a professional graduate course to a doctoral course must pass an entrance examination given by the university concerned.

3. Applicants must have the following qualifications (among others):
(1) Applicants must be under 35 years of age as of the 1st of April 2007.
(2) Applicants must have received from their university a GPA of 3.0 or higher or equivalent.
(3) a minimum TOEFL score of 550 or equivalent or The Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2 or higher

4. Application forms are available free of charge at the Embassy of Japan (Education Section: 8:30-12:00, 14:00-15:30), the Consulate General of Japan in Surabaya, Medan and Makassar and also available on the Embassy of Japan website. The application documents must be submitted to the Embassy of Japan by May 12, 2006. Applications will be accepted by hand or by post.

5. Further information on this scholarship can be provided by the Embassy of Japan (Education Section: 021-31924308 Ext. 175, 176).

Source: http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp/

[Netherland] DELTA Scholarship at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

DELTA: Dutch Education: Learning at a Top Level Abroad

DELTA is financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. It enables Dutch higher education institutions to award scholarships to students from Brazil, The People's Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand or Vietnam.

Eligible students:
The TU/e offers DELTA scholarships to students who satisfy the following criteria:

* possess the Brazilian, Chinese, Indians, Indonesian, Malaysian, Mexican, Russian, South African, Taiwanese, Thai or Vietnamese nationality;
* are 35 or younger at the start of the academic year;
* are admitted to the TU/e program on the basis of prior education in their home country;
* have permanent residency in one of the DELTA countries;
* will be studying at the TU/e in a master course;
* meet the visa requirements for entering and residing in the Netherlands as a foreign student.

Eligible courses:
Any TU/e master course.

Eligible countries:
Brazil, The People's Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand or Vietnam.

How many scholarships are available?
In 2006, 1 TU/e Master student will receive a DELTA scholarship of 17,000 euros.

Costs covered:
The DELTA scholarship does not cover all expenses. Additional financial means will always be necessary. The DELTA scholarship is a contribution to the costs of the tuition fee, travel, study and living expenses.

Duration of scholarship:
1 year. Extention of the scholarship (July 2007) is possible if sufficient study progress has been made.

Application and selection procedure:
Prospective students should first apply to the appropriate TU/e department for admission to the program of their choice. Once admission is granted, the regular procedure for the prospective students should first apply to the appropriate TU/e department for admission to the course/program of their choice.

TU/e departments then apply to the International Office for a DELTA scholarship.

More information and application:
Contact at the TU/e:

International Relations Office
Student Service Center
Tel. +31 (0)40-247 8015
Fax +31 (0)40-244 1692
Email: io@tue.nl

The local Netherlands Education Support Office (NESO) in Beijing or Jakarta can also give students more information about studying in the Netherlands in general, and can mediate on behalf of the student and the Dutch institution during application procedures. NESO also offers help in gaining a visa.
Netherlands Education Support Offices (NESO) websites:
Indonesian students Website: http://www.nec.or.id/.
Chinese students Website: http://www.nesobeijing.com/
There is currently no NESO office in South Africa.

Monday, March 27, 2006

[USA] Fulbright-Freeport Master Degree Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2006

Preference will be given to Indonesian citizens from Papua who are faculty members at the state and private institutions of higher education. Applicants will possess:
  • a Sarjana (S1) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.00 scale)
  • leadership qualities
  • a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures
  • a demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
  • a demonstrated commitment to the development and service of Papua
  • willingness to return to Papua upon completion of the Fulbright program
  • a minimum TOEFL score of 500.

Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms and return them to AMINEF by the application deadline. Forms are available either by mail or in person at the AMINEF Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th floor, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 4, Jakarta 10720. Application forms may also be downloaded from the AMINEF Website at the following URL: www.aminef.or.id. Please return completed application forms to the AMINEF office along with a copy of your most recent TOEFL score and at least one letter of reference. The application forms may also be downloaded from the links below:
Application Form
Letter of Refference


Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed via e-mail to the following address: infofulbright@aminef.or.id


The deadline for the submission of application materials for all programs is May 31, 2006.

Further Information

Thursday, March 23, 2006

[Italy] Scholarships from The Government of Italy

Deadline: 22 April 2006

Kedubes Italia di Jakarta melalui Institut Kebudayaan Italia menawarkan beasiswa pendidikan di bidang budaya dan ilmu pengetahuan.

Menurut siaran pers yang disampaikan oleh Prof. Ostelio Remi, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Jakarta, syaratnya berusia 18-35 tahun, minimal lulusan SMU/SMK atau setara untuk peminat beasiswa di bidang bahasa Italia dan untuk beasiswa bidang lainnya memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Italia tingkat dasar.

Beasiswa itu terbuka untuk umum dan jurusan pendidikan kecuali untuk bidang kedokteran. Pihaknya mengundang peminat untuk mengikuti seleksi program beasiswa setingkat sarjana, Pasca Sarjana dan Doktoral kursus spesialisasi, kursus bahasa dan budaya Italia di berbagai universitas dan institut pendidikan bergengsi di Italia.

Para kandidat peserta seleksi dapat memilih sendiri universitas negeri atau institusi yang tersebar di berbagai kota di Italia yang dianggap sesuai dengan bidang studinya, sepanjang peminat itu bisa memenuhi persyaratan yang diminta oleh universitas yang bersangkutan.

Formulir aplikasi beasiswa harus dikirim paling lambat 22 April 2006 dalam dua bahasa (2 rangkap dalam bahasa Italia dan satu rangkap dalam bahasa Inggris), sesuai dengan tanggal cap pos pengiriman atau diantar langsung ke Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No 117 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350. Telepon (012) 392.7531. Formulir aplikasi dan informasi dapat diperoleh melalui situs resmi Institut Kebudayaan Italia di http://www.itacultjkt.or.id/.

Tawaran beasiswa itu sudah merupakan yang ketiga kali dan pemerintah Italia sudah memberikan beasiswa kepada 81 orang.